Cloud Images
These images are built using the
Alpine Linux Cloud Images Builder.
To report problems or request features, please open an
issue with detailed information.
- Image variants are built for all cloud-valid combinations of
CPU architecture (aarch64 or x86_64),
firmware (BIOS or UEFI),
instance bootstrap system (Tiny Cloud or cloud-init),
and machine type (virtual or bare-metal).
- The login user for all images is "alpine". SSH keys for this
user will be installed from the cloud's instance metadata service (IMDS).
- Please refer to this (work-in-progress) document for some (rough) guidance
on how to import and launch these images with various cloud providers.
- AWS images are well-tested and directly launchable from this page
(select a "Launch Region" to show region links); they are also
downloadable for importing into your own cloud accounts.
- Azure, GCP, OCI, and NoCloud images are considered
beta quality; and have been used successfully. Cloud-specific
images will eventually be replaced by generic images.
- Generic images are considered alpha quality. However, they represent
the intended future direction of this project, and should work with
any cloud provider that Tiny Cloud or
cloud-init are able to auto-detect, but are
not well-tested at this time.
- Images are signed with this GPG public key F26A DFAD BAE7 02EF 7AF6 3745 9DA7 EF23 BFFC DF22